A student loan is a type of loan designed to help students pay for post-secondary education and the associated fees, such as tuition, books and supplies, and living expenses
Proof of Identity
Voter ID card
Driving License
PAN Card
Government department ID card
Aadhar Card or Aadhar enrolment number
Proof of income
The parent’s latest salary slip showing all the deductions, or
Form 16 along with latest salary certificate
Last 2 year’s IT returns of past 2 years or
In case of self-employed individual,
If the applicant is a self-employed individual
Balance sheet and profit and loss account, computation of income for last 2 years.
Income Tax Returns – last 2 years for Applicants, 26 AS, Traces
Business proof : Gomasta License, Registration Certificate, Service Tax Registration, among
Proof of Residence (anyone)
Valid passport
Voter id card
Driving license
Postpaid utility bill (gas bill and electricity bill)
Updated passbook or bank account statement
Notarized registered rent agreement
Additional documents
Updated Passbook or bank account where the salary is credited for last 6 months at least
Educational documents of the student:
Copy of fee acknowledgement slip
Admission letter to the educational institutions
Passing certificate
School leaving certificate
High School Examination mark sheet